🧠💖Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Emotions for Success 💡⬆️🤝


Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity to perceive, control, analyze, manage, and express emotions. Psychologists believe that emotional intelligence may be learnt and increased. However, other experts believe that emotional intelligence is an innate quality of humans.

The ability to express and control one's own feelings and emotions is critical for success. However, emotional intelligence is more than just being able to communicate one's own feeling; it is also the ability to understand, perceive, and respond to the emotions of others. Some experts believe that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ for achieving success in life.

An emotionally intelligent person can recognize, anticipate, and regulate the emotions of their own friends, family, and relatives. They have an easy time understanding other people and developing positive relationships with them. Emotional intelligence is essential for better relationships, greater well-being, and stronger communication skills.

Related: Power of Positive Thinking?

How Emotional Intelligence is Measured

Now a day, a number of different tests have emerged to measure emotional Intelligence. Psychologists use different techniques and test to measure emotional intelligence. Mainly there are two types of tests used frequently today to measure emotional intelligence. These are the Self-Report Test and Ability test.

1. Self-Report Test

The self-Report Test is the most common test use for the measurement of emotional intelligence. It is also very easy to use. In this test, a questionnaire is given to the client and each question has four related answers. The client has to choose one answer out of four. For example: Do you think you understand your friend's emotion? Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.

2. Ability Test:

In this Test, The response was taken from a client about a Specific Situation. The response of the client tells us about the person. Usually, 3rd party assets and evaluate the result. If you take an emotional intelligence test administered by a mental health professional and psychologist. Here are two measures that might be used:

3. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT):

It is an ability-based test used frequently by psychologists. Test taker perform a task which is design to exceed their ability of Emotional intelligence.

4. Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI):

In this test, The questionnaire is given to the client. This questionnaire is designed to evaluate the person’s social and emotional abilities. That distinguish people as a strong leader.

Component of Emotional Intelligence:

Researcher and Psychologist suggest that there are four major components of Emotional Intelligence. These are Emotional perception, the ability to reason, ability to understand and ability to manage emotions.

1. Perceiving Emotions:

The first step to understand emotion is to perceive it accurately. Emotionally intelligent people have a very strong emotional perception. They perceive the emotion of others through body language and facial expressions. It is the lowest level of emotional intelligence.

2. Reasoning with Emotions:

 The second step in emotional intelligence is to reason emotion. Using emotion to promote Thinking and Cognitive ability. They respond emotionally to the things that attract our Attention.

3. Understanding Emotion:

The emotion we perceive has a variety of Meanings. Emotionally intelligent people understand the main cause of emotion.

4. Manage Emotions:

The ability to manage emotions effectively is a crucial part of emotional intelligence. To manage emotion and respond to the emotion is an important aspect of Emotionally Intelligence Management. It is the highest level of emotional intelligence.

Impact of Emotional intelligence:

The Concept of Emotional Intelligence has grown in recent years. Emotional intelligence is an important skill that improves health and well-being.  Some of the important impacts of Emotional intelligence is given below:

1. Thinking before Reacting:

Emotionally Intelligent people know emotion is very powerful. But these emotions are temporary. When highly the emotional event happens e.g. Boss and Co-worker are in aggressive situation fighting with each other. In such a situation an emotionally intelligent person doesn’t respond without thinking.  He thinks rationally before taking action.

2. Great Self-awareness:

Emotional intelligence person not only understands, perceive and manage others emotions but they also have an ability to understand their own emotion and feeling. So they have greater self-awareness.

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence:

  •          Being able to accept Criticism and responsibility
  •         Able to move on after making a mistake.
  •         Able to say no when you need to
  •         Being able to share your feeling with other
  •         Able to solve a problem in a way that works for everyone
  •         Having Empathy for other people
  •         Great Listening skill
  •         Know why you do the things you do.
  •         Not Being Judgmental of others

Potential pitfall:

  •       If you don’t have a skill of Emotional Intelligence then you are
  •       More Argument
  •       Lower Quality Relationship
  •       Having poor emotional coping skill


  •      People who are emotionally intelligent are
  •      Less creative and innovative
  •      Less intelligent
  •      It is a hard time for him to deliver negative feedback for fear of hurting other’ s  feeling
  •      Emotional intelligence sometimes be used for manipulative and deceptive purposes.

History and Development:

      The Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow gives theory about emotional intelligence in 1950 A.D.  The term Emotional intelligence was first used by psychologist Wayne Payne. In 1987, articles were published in Mensa magazines about emotional intelligence. In 1990, Psychologist john peters salivary and john Mayer published their Landmark Article “Emotional Intelligence as “the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions. Psychologist Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ” is also an important book on the topic of Emotional Intelligence.






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