5 Reasons behind the Intense INFJ Stare

5 Reasons behind the Intense INFJ Stare

Although most INFJs hardly realize when it’s happening, the INFJ stare can be extremely puzzling for the ones being stared at. Of course, the INFJ doesn’t mean to seem creepy or invasive,   but their deep introspection and analytical traits make it necessary to use their senses to fully understand a situation or person. So, what's the reasoning behind this unique piercing stare?  Welcome or welcome back Psycho! Today we’ll be talking all about the 5 reasons behind the intense INFJ stare. 

Number 1:

 Deep analyzation  Observant and curious, the INFJs analytical nature is deemed responsible for most of their intense gazes. Even when an INFJ is fully relaxed and possibly uninterested in their surroundings,   their analytical minds work almost incessantly, picking up on the small details of everything and everyone around them. While this process may be subconscious at times, the INFJ still resorts to their extraverted sensing in order to absorb the information from their outer world.   In the case of the INFJ gaze, of course, their eyes can become fixated on their analyzing target,   but they are also probably tuned in with their hearing and energy-sensing in order to make sense of the greater picture. When an INFJ is using their intense gaze for analysis it looks less like a “blank stare” and more like an observant curiosity. For example, if it’s a   person they are analyzing, they may be trying to get a sense of how they’re moving their bodies,   how they’re talking, their eye movements, tone of voice, and reactions to the outer environment - all of which an INFJ will use to broaden their understanding of human nature. 

 Number 2:

 The wandering mind INFJ stare is quite different from that of their deep analysis gaze. In fact, most of the time an INFJ is participating in their wandering thoughts, they usually have a little-to-no focus on where their eyes wander because although their eyes are open, they’re not really processing anything they’re seeing. Whether the INFJ daze is caused by a bout of daydreaming, imaginative scenarios, or weighing out the pros and cons of an outcome, this introspective gaze comes with a sense of detachment from the real world,   yet people on the outside of course don’t realize this. Therefore, this blank stare can seem particularly creepy, and sometimes even cold and detached. The eyes fall into a dream-like state where they begin appearing as if they are looking through the people and objects of focus rather than actually being fixated on them. In fact, when an INFJ is deep into their complex thought processes with their eyes focusing on an individual, they can quickly snap out of their daydream-like state once that person catches the INFJ staring, but it’s not always the case. 

Number 3:

 Intense focusThe combined functions of introverted intuition and extraverted sensing allow for a unique way of focusing for the INFJ personality type. Yet, it is only when an INFJ is truly intrigued by a person or situation that they can become particularly focused on it. While their interest may begin with deep analysis - using their piercing gaze to notice the details needed to fully understand something or someone - sooner or later an INFJ   may find a particular detail that they are intensely focused on. With this INFJ stare, rather than being open to picking up on anything and everything that is brought to their attention, the   INFJ has narrowed their interest into a specific detail that they couldn’t make a conclusion about.   For example, if an INFJ uses their analysis skills to judge the character of their best friend's new partner they may take the back seat to quietly pick up on the most prominent details. Yet, if their dishonesty radar goes off, all of a sudden the INFJ has a new laser-focus fixation on whether or not this new partner is as fishy as their intuition is telling them. Therefore, they will pay special attention to specific body language and facial expressions, yet they may carry a   different type of skepticism in their focused stare, especially if they think something’s up.  

Number 4:

 Closed-off attitude whether the INFJ is using their closed-off and distant energy to make a statement that they aren’t able to come to terms with verbally,   or if it’s in an attempt to hide their feelings - the INFJ’s closed off stare will give them away every time. Although this introverted personality type is able to mask their feelings in hopes to avoid burdening others, their introspective minds won’t stop ruminating if something is really bothering them. The cold, distant, sadness, and uncertainty behind this gaze is what makes it different from the rest, yet it can be quite difficult to differentiate for the average person.   Therefore, it usually takes someone who really knows the INFJ to understand, but sooner or later,   these ruminating thoughts can distract them from reality, and staring off into the distance can be one of the first signs that something intense is going on in that never-ending   INFJ thought loop. Some INFJs may subconsciously use this to their advantage by avoiding speaking up or bringing their problems to others in hopes that one of their close connections may notice that they’re not acting 100% - sparking a much-needed conversation that most INFJs wouldn’t blatantly ask for. Whether it be in the case of a romantic partnership where something is bothering an INFJ but they don’t want to cause conflict, or in the case of a personal issue that others wouldn’t be able to relate to, the closed-off stare is closely related to the wandering mind stare yet there is usually a focus around a sensitive topic they are hesitant to discuss.

Number 5:

 Admiration INFJs love all things quality and beauty. This creative personality is especially attracted to people and things that carry a unique essence of charm and out-of-the-box thinking.   Just as the INFJ would take an extra-long look of appreciation for a cotton-candy sky sunset,   or a beautifully unique art piece, they can also feel particularly drawn to people that look and dress unorthodox calls. They can appreciate unique senses of style because they are able to relate to the misfit independence it takes to courageously express yourself. So, while their stares and fixations on the untraditional people they come across may seem judgmental or rude - INFJs are actually incomplete admiration and appreciation for what they see.   Aside from non-traditional looks and styles, INFJs can become fixated on simple character attributes that draw their attention and triggers the admiration stare. Things like charm,   wit, quick-thinking, kindness, work ethic, and empathy can catch INFJs attention and leave them craving more of that character trait. Heck, if they’re staring, they definitely have better odds at witnessing another admirable encounter. 

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