History of Psychology and their Emergence

History of Psychology and their Emergence

A Brief History of Psychology:

Psychology is a relatively new and young branch of science. But before science psychology was a part of philosophy and Biology. Psychology stems its roots from philosophy and Biology. Psychology is an interesting subject for people of all ages. Psychology emerged as a new and separate subject when William Wundt built the first psychology lab in Leipzig Germany in 1899. William Wundt is Consider as the Father of Psychology.  So let’s discuss the short history of psychology.

Evolution of Psychology

The Evolution of psychology are as follow;

Study of Soul

Study of Mind

Study of Conscious

Study of Behavior

Psychology was considered a study of the Soul. Because Soul was impossible to study and observe that’s why it emerged as a study of mind and then Consciousness. So mind and Consciousness were also impossible to directly observe.

Modern Definition of Psychology:

Psychology is the Scientific Study of Human Behavior and Cognitive processes (Internal Experiences Such as Sensation, dreams, thought and feelings. Now all the branches of psychology Study Human Behavior and Things that affect Human Behavior like culture, Environment, and Society.

Goal of Psychology

There are four Goals of Psychology





School of Thought:

As Psychology emerged as a new branch of Science, Study on Human behavior has been increased so a new school of thought has emerged about Human Behavior. There are six major schools of thought in psychology. These are;

Structuralism (Structure of Mind-play role in Behavior)

Functionalism ( Function of Mind-play role in Behavior)

Psychoanalysis (Unconscious Mind-Influence Human Behavior)

Behaviorism ( Behavior is learned by Conditioning)

Cognitive Psychology( Our Thinking, Observation, Schema Affect our Behavior)

Humanistic Psychology ( Freewill and Fulfillment of Needs Operate our Behavior)

Gestalt Psychology ( Study as a whole to Understand Human Behavior)

All the psychology depends on this School of Thought. Psychologists use one approach to Treatment patients and understand Human Behavior. Now psychologists use multiple Approaches to study human Behavior (Eclectic approach).

Approaches of Great Thinker and Philosopher about Psychology and Human Behavior:


Plato believed in innate ideas. He suggested that the Brain is the Seat of Mental processes. According to him, the brain is responsible for all types of behavior and Cognitive functioning such as dream, memory, Sensation, intelligence, and Observation. He also believed that we have an innate ability to adjust to Environment.

John Locke:

According to him -“Mind at Birth is a Blank Slate”. The mind of a child is like a blank page and empty book, we write it and organist it makes it Beautiful Similarly Child who comes in this world has an empty mind, Our society, culture, and environment make them able to live in this World.

Franz Gall:

He gives the Concept of Phrenology. According to this Concept Shape of a person’s Skull reveals mental faculties and traits.


He believed that Mental illnesses are caused by the four body liquids.  Changes in the amount of these liquids cause Mental illnesses, these liquids are

Black Bile

Yellow Bile



Rene Descartes:    According to him, the Pineal gland is the seat of the Soul.

Greek Philosopher:

Thales:   All the Things and World is based on water.

Heraclitus:     All the Universe is based on Fire. He also gives the concept of the Soul. The soul is Opposite to water and Fire.

MP-Doklus: According to him, all Universe is based on Water, Air, Fire, and Soil. He also gave the theory of Perception.

Pythagoras: The World is based on Water, Air, Fire, and earth.

Muslim Philosopher:

Imam Ghazali:

He gave the imaginary Concept of three worlds.

Alam e malakot ( World of God )

Alam e jabarot   ( World of Angels)

Alam e mulk shahada ( materialistic World )

According to him, the soul belongs to Alam e Jabarot which is in between Alam e Malakot and Alam e Mulk shahada. He also believed that Soul is not a materialistic thing and the Soul never died. The soul is pure and above all things.

He also gave the Concept of Nafs

Nafs Lawama

Nafs Amara

Nafs Motamahina

Will powers of Nafs:

Power of knowledge

Power of Anger

Power of sex

Power of Justice

Senses of Qalb





Attribute meaning

Driving and Motivating Forces:



Love and Belonging

Status and Esteem


According to Ibne- Rusht Soul and Body are not separate. They work together to perform different tasks. The soul is immoral.  He also explains the 5 types of soul.

Food soul

Sensory Soul

Imaginary soul

Conscious Soul

Desirability Soul


He define the causes of mental illnesses. According to him, people are attached emotionally to the materialistic world. When they lost these materialistic things they suffer from depression and anxiety. His main focus was that; Don't attach to the materialistic world. There is no Value of a materialistic world.


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