Personality, a person’s overall Characteristics, and Behavior.
What exactly personality is? How does it form? Can it Change over a period of time and how does it affect our general Well-being? These are some sort of questions which are the fascination of personality Psychology. Psychologists have been studying this complicated topic for the last fifty years. But they are still confused to define the perfect definition of Personality. In this article, I will discuss some important and interesting facts about Human personality.
Personality is something we used a lot in our everyday Conversation e.g. He has such a Nice Personality and his personality is outgoing. so What Exactly personality is?
The term personality is derived from “Persona” which means “Mask”. Personality is a mask of a person and a person is recognized by his mask. Personality is something that makes you who you are today. Personality couldn’t be formed Rapidly, it takes a lot of time to become a personality and it changes over a small period of time. The formation and declination of personality are too difficult.
Definition of Personality:
Personality, a person’s overall Characteristics and Behavior.
Personality can be defined as a pattern of relatively permanent Traits and unique characteristics (like shyness, outgoing, social, Extrovert, introvert, etc.) that give consistency. Personality is something that makes a person Unique and gives Individuality to a person's behavior. It has a significant effect on our general well-being.
Personality deals with a wide range of human behavior. It is everything about a person- Mental, emotional, social, and physical. Some aspects of personality are directly observable at first looks like Physical attractiveness, communication Skill and Other Overt behavior while Other aspects of Personality is not directly Observable like Thought, memories, and Dreams. On other hand, personality is also conscious (We are aware of) and Unconscious (Out of Our Awareness).
Related Article: Theories of Human Personality and Nature
How does it Form?
There are different theories of Personality Formation. Some of these claim that personality is a Biological process while other focus on Environmental and Social Factor.
According to Sigmund Freud, our Behavior is motivated by Libido energy and sex drive, Our Childhood experiences and unconsciously repressed memories make our personality. Behaviorist defines personality as the learning behavior and learned behavior become a part of personality. The humanistic psychologist that freewill and completion of need are responsible for making a personality. Cognitive psychologists believe that our experiences, memory, observation and thinking make us Unique.
Characteristics of Personality:
If you want to understand the psychology of Personality Then you must understand the Characteristics of Personality.
1. Personality makes us Unique from other persons.
2. Personality is Stable and consistent
3. Personality is the combination of Both Physical and Psychological Characteristics.
4. Personality actually studies all the behavior of an Individual.
5. Personality can be influenced by Environmental, Social, and Biological factors.
6. Personality is the Cause of Behavior. We behave in different situations according to our personality.
7. Our Personality has a significant impact on our physical and psychological well-being.
8. Most of our Personalities began Start in childhood. Our Childhood experience affects our personality and present.
9. Personality is defined in terms of the different traits. There is 5 big trait of personality. They are usually represented by acyrome OCEAN. These are Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion-Introversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
10. Personality could be measure by different Psychological tests.