10 Reasons INFJs Are Natural Entrepreneurs
With the ideal combination of perfectionism and perseverance, most INFJs have a natural entrepreneur spark, should they choose to use it. Even famous entrepreneur INFJs like Oprah Winfrey show that even when the odds are against them, INFJs are able to push their way to the top in whatever they set their minds to. So what exactly makes the INFJ a natural entrepreneur? Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be discussing in today’s video.
Number 1:
A “Big Picture” Perspective One of the most ideal entrepreneurship characteristics of the INFJ is their ability to see things through their big picture perspective. While most INFJs may struggle with dealing with current details and changed plans, their focus on the future goals and overall project allow for the perfect balance of perseverance and determination to overlook the nitty-gritty details that unsuccessful entrepreneurs can easily get lost in. In fact, this classic INFJ trait of being more likely to have their head in the clouds than their feet on the ground is one of the main characteristics that sets the INFJ entrepreneur and other introverted intuitive apart from other business owners and founders. It allows them to use their vision and intuition to guide them to solutions in a calm manner as opposed to impulsive problem solving which leads to more havoc.
Number 2:
Empathetic insightIt’s no question that INFJs have strong empathic abilities that allow them to easily see things from the perspectives of others. And although this people-helping personality type usually uses this empathetic gift to understand people and to assist in the needs and wants of others, they can also choose to use it to benefit their natural entrepreneurial side. INFJs can use this gift to truly understand potential customers and clients from a deep place by automatically analyzing the behavior of everyone they meet, ultimately allowing the INFJ to gain insight into the emotional needs and desires of their target audience. They can easily examine customers and clients to find out what really makes them tick in order to tweak their product, service, or marketing to be more enticing.
Number 3:
People skills for managing teams just as the INFJ uses their empathic abilities to understand the needs and wants of their target audience, they also feel it’s necessary to connect with their team members and employees on a kind-hearted humane level. INFJs not only strive for self-improvement and success, but they also wish that of everyone around them. Especially because an INFJ’s personal values lie at the core of everything they do, they value their team members even more so than someone who chose entrepreneurship solely for financial opportunities. While INFJs prefer not to exert authority over others and rather treat everyone as equals, even within a business setting, it’s important to note that most INFJs are far from lax and still hold very high standards to their team members. They may show extreme empathy, but their perfectionistic nature won’t allow for an employee or team member to take advantage of this trait in fear of it getting in the way of their ‘big picture goal. This personable balance is ideal for successful teamwork in any business.
Number 4:
Independence & perseveranceINFJs may be sensitive to criticisms and poor feedback, but the entrepreneur INFJ is able to quickly oversee seemingly negative comments because of their deep passion for their project. Over time, an INFJ who decides to start their own business will realize that their perfectionism and perseverance trumps all opinions. And although they remain open to information to better their vision, the entrepreneurial INFJ is able to stay focused and unphased in the heat of being challenged for their sometimes taboo approaches to the business world. This rare and independent personality type is used to being misunderstood, so they can understand that skepticism is part of the deal.
Number 5:
A willingness to intuitively take on smart risk In addition independence and perseverance comes to the confidence to take on smart risks, even if others don’t understand or approve. The INFJ’s dominant function of introverted intuition, allows them to better understand how certain opportunities could play out, allowing them to actively make cautious non-impulsive decisions. For example, if a business opportunity came to an INFJ that seemed extremely fishy to others, yet the INFJ intuitively feels it could be a good idea - there is no stopping them from going with it. They don’t necessarily need facts to understand if something feels right or wrong, instead, they bring their morality of “what’s meant to be will be” into the workplace and use their gut feelings to guide them whenever it feels necessary.
Number 6:
The ability to think outside of the box Deeply imaginative and introspective, the INFJ knows exactly what it takes to think outside of the box. Known for their original and perhaps radical insights, INFJs are able to use their ideas to efficiently solve tricky problems when it comes to business. Aside from problem-solving, the INFJ entrepreneur is able to use their unique thinking skills to come up with potential business plans that suit both their need to give back to others as well as their interest in self-improvement. They’re not interested in taking shortcuts or taking the easy way out but INFJ entrepreneurs do like to use their unique perspectives to find easier ways of doing things. They may take a unique approach to things like employee incentives, working hours, work environment, and even things like company aesthetics and marketing. Overall, the INFJ’s intellectual ability to think outside of the box is another main trait that sets them apart from entrepreneurs of other personality types.
Number 7:
Strong ability to establish rapport with business connections INFJs are known for their extroverted introversion. This means that although INFJs are very introverted people, their social skills can make them extroverted. This is an extremely helpful skill that sets them apart from other introverted entrepreneurs because it gives them the perfect balance of internal introverted introspection and the ability to network with others. INFJs already see socializing as an important factor in bettering themselves, and if they didn’t find a benefit in it, they probably would never leave the house. In other words, it’s not that all INFJs particularly enjoy networking with other business connections, but they do see it as a valuable factor to their success and an opportunity to help others in return.
Number 8:
The need for self-growth & self-development Besides the fact that INFJs are open to learning about new topics, especially when pertaining to out-of-the-box, taboo topics - the INFJ is also open to learning the life lessons that come with entrepreneurship. This introspective personality type is always looking for ways to better themselves in one or more areas in their lives, so when they take the leap to start their own business, they go into it willing and ready to make all the necessary character-building mistakes. In fact, since the INFJ personality type is so fixated on bettering themselves in some way, the act of starting their own business can actually end up being an extremely helpful tool when it comes to trying to find that one thing to focus on. It allows them a space to utilize their skills and independence while achieving small milestones that contribute to a bigger picture - allowing the INFJ to feel a sense of accomplishment that they can’t find elsewhere.
Number 9:
The yearning for learning INFJs is always learning. And we mean always. If they’re not actively researching or diving into a topic of interest, they can be found analyzing their surroundings or playing out potential scenarios in their minds. Besides the fact that INFJs can use this yearning for learning to become information-consumed in a potential business venture, they’re also naturally curious about their surroundings and won’t settle for mediocre explanations or solutions. While it may seem useless when it comes to day-to-day scenarios, the fact that INFJs ruminate about dissatisfying reasoning behind their new curiosities can allow them to come up with remarkable insights, solutions, inventions, and business ideas that others would completely overlook.
Number 10:
The ability to sacrifice useless spending for a long-term goal The frugal and thrifty INFJ is quite used to saving their money for a rainy day. Yet, when it comes to the INFJ entrepreneur, the importance of saving money can become a whole new passion when they have the drive to start or improve their business. The organizational nature of the INFJ allows them to easily make plans and budgets that allow for long-term growth. And because the INFJ is so disinterested in fitting in with the latest fads they don’t allow eagerness or temptation to get in the way of their determination. In fact, it takes a lot for an INFJ to be confident enough to put their money forward, and only a certain amount of passion and desire will allow them to take the first sleep. In the end, for most INFJs the entrepreneurship journey is for so much more than just the financial gain, making the milestones and achievements of far greater value in their eyes.