What is Learning?


  Learning is not just a reading books, taking class in a school.But it is very complex process. Everyone expert defined learning due to their observation. According to Psychologist learning is a process of changing behavior over time.


  " Learning is a relatively permenent Change in behavior as a result of expriences"

According to behavorist svhool of thought, behavior is learned through expriences and interaction with environment. It is a good news for you have a maladaptive behavior, you can change it through the process of learning.
John watson was the first  psychologist who study the effect of learning on Behavior.  He suggested that all behavior are a result of learning process. Even  Animal  can also  learned behavior through expriences.
A new School of Thought emerged from the theory of John B WATSON  kbown as Behaviorism.
According to Behaviorist, Studying internal process,mind ,thought and memories that wew too subjective and psychology should be the Scientific study of observable behavior. 

Major types of Behavioral learning

Psychologist defined 3major types of learning.
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Observational learning

Classical Conditioning:

     Classical conditioning is the process of learning in which association is made between a previously neutralbstimulus and a stimulus that naturally evoke a response.

Operant Conditioning:



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