How to Control Your ANGER | Anger Management | The Science of Anger


How to Control Your ANGER | Anger Management | The Science of Anger

There is a boy named Rick. Rick is a very smart and intelligent person but he has one weakness. The weakness is that he is very short-tempered and he gets angry quite often. He would indulge in a fight now and then. Due to this habit, Rick did not have many friends at school even though he had other good qualities. This is what anger can do to us. 

Anger can cause a lot of mental as well as physical health issues. Moreover, it also leaves a negative impression on others about yourself. People start avoiding and staying away from short-tempered people. Let’s first understand why we get angry and later we will see how does Rick manages his anger. There are times we all get angry and stressed about something or the other. Be it a bad day at work, an argument with someone, or even just things not going according to our plans.
 Anger is a natural emotion or a response to perceived wrong situations according to you. It causes your body to release a chemical called adrenaline, your muscles tighten, and your heart rate and blood pressure increase. However, anger is not always bad. If it is in a mild and non-disturbing way, it can be useful. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, or motivate you to find solutions to problems. But generally, we cannot control the intensity of our anger. Hence, the best way is to manage anger. If you don’t control your anger, it'll end up controlling you. Anger like any emotion is a form of energy. And science clearly states that energy can easily be converted from one form to another. So, the best way to manage or control your anger is to convert that to a better state of mind. Now coming back to Rick’s anger problem. Rick’s mother observed his problem and gave him some solutions to solve his anger issues.

 The first idea Rick’s mother gave him was to count down from 30 to 1 whenever he felt a sense of anger in him. Counting gives you the time to think before you react to a situation. In 30 seconds, the problem might not be solved but you can calm your mind to find an alternative approach to the situation. Also, you can drink a glass of water which will help the body stay hydrated and cooler. So, the tip number

 1: Count down from 30 to 1:

The next tip Rick’s mother gave him was to do deep breathing. Deep breathing for 2-3 minutes can calm you a lot and reduce the anger wave drastically. It is scientifically proven that when we deep breathe, our body gets more oxygen which reduces blood pressure and lowers stress. You can also combine deep breathing with counting. So, the tip number 

2: Do deep breathing for 2-3 minutes:

 Moving to the third tip, it is just going for a walk. In nature, listening to some relaxing music and walking, the mind cools down. You will also distract your mind from the ongoing challenges. Any type of physical movement releases feel-good hormones and hence, you automatically feel relaxed. Next time whenever you feel angry, anxious, nervous, or low, just go for a walk around. So, the tip number 

3: Go for a walk in the nature:

Rick’s mother told him the fourth hack to manage anger is to have proper sleep. Rick got confused that how can sleep help with anger management. But yes, sleep is one of the most important factors that decide your mood. Not getting enough sleep can mess up your head and hence you will experience frustration and mood swings. Get proper sleep and let your mind rest if you have had a rough day. So, the tip number 

4: Get proper sleep:

The final hack Rick’s mother gave him is to practice gratitude. We often get angry as we do not get what we want or desire. That’s the reason we get ego and ultimately causing anger. The best way to tackle this is to be grateful for the things and people you have. Next time when you are getting involved in an argument, just think of the things you are grateful for. Maybe your family is with you, having a shelter to protect yourself, or even having enough money to live a comfortable life. You can also start gratitude journaling at the start or end of the day to make your nature calmer. So, the tip number 

5: Practice Gratitude

In the end, let’s quickly revise the 5 tips for anger management as discussed. 

  •  Count down from 30 to 1
  •  Do deep breathing for 2-3 minutes 
  •  Go for a walk in nature
  •  Get proper sleep
  •   Practice Gratitude 

With these 5 tips, Rick was able to control his anger up to a great extent. He also started making new friends due to this reduced anger. Hopefully, you will also find these techniques useful to control your anger. You can also read the book Anger management for dummies by William Doyle Gentry for more tips. You can buy the book from the link in the description. Thank you for watching! More wisdom, more solution, better life!


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